Happy Birthday!


The one object that can make these feelings more tangible to the recipient, is a bouquet of flowers. A bouquet has long been a symbol of care, and a desire to actually please the recipient, the result being a reciprocation of the feelings of the gifter. If you’re not feeling up to going and buying some, Order flowers online, Mumbai!

Flower delivery today has gone beyond the traditional role of a man expressing his love for a woman—flowers are not simply symbols of romantic love anymore. They can be used in a variety of situations: as a way of saying get well soon, happy anniversary, or perhaps even as consolation. Flowers are delivered for a variety of reasons, and each of them has its own meaning as well.

One researcher from Rutger’s University found that people who send flowers are perceived as more intelligent, caring and successful people. Furthermore, if the gift giver is female, they are viewed as more appreciative of natural beauty. Previous research has also found that flowers can increase life satisfaction and make people enjoy life more intensely; moreover, studies have shown that getting a bouquet of flowers can create instant happiness and a feeling of delight in the mind of the receiver. Dr. Jeanette Haviland-Jones says,

“Flowers have evolved to activate positive emotional responses from people. Each bloom has the potential to put a smile on our face and sway our opinion of a friend, colleague or loved one. That’s powerful.”

This information is particularly important who would like to improve their friendships, romances and perhaps even business relationships.

Sending flowers seems to be extremely popular and a hot trend especially on Valentine’s day and Mothers’ Day—after all, women do tend to appreciate flowers more. However, it is quite a hassle to get flowers and then carry them safely to the receiver. Often, the flowers may get stained, or get withered on the way. Careless passengers on public transport may end up breaking the flowers or crushing the delicate petals and buds. By the time they reach the receiver, the flowers may barely look like flowers anymore!!

Fortunately, there is an army of online delivery of flowers services that offer to send flowers to your loved ones at very reasonable prices. The flowers are arranged in a very classy manner and they are safely delivered even in the traffic and crowds of bustling metropolitan areas like Mumbai. Online delivery of flowers has paved the way for a whole industry of service professionals to reclaim a dying art and revive a fading practice.

Newer and newer uses for floral bouquets are being found day by day. With the convenience of order flowers online, Mumbai citizens now send I miss you bouquets to their loved ones who have migrated to another city for better work and study related opportunities, or as a Good job for completing a project successfully. Just as people abroad usually bring over a bottle of wine while visiting the home of a friend or an acquaintance, conservative as well as modern Indians are using bouquets to indicate Thanks for having us.

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